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Wait! I Forgot My Smile!

It was a rough morning. You know, one of those mornings that just don't start out well. I had a huge black cloud hovering over me, nothing could go right. After the 2nd cup of coffee spilled all over the floor, I gave up on my coffee. My attitude toward the day had turned into the worst mood ever. Just then lil' E came running down the stairs to head out for school. With the most serious and genuine face he turned and ran back up the stairs saying, "Wait a minute, I forgot my smile-let me just go back up real quick and get it." Totally serious, not joking at all. So funny! Then he runs back down and lets us all know he had it. We could move along with the day now.

Wow! What a lesson for mama that morning. It made me stop, take a breath, come back to the present and enjoy that moment. I totally forgot my smile too, but I was not mindful enough to go back and get it. I had chosen to wallow in my bad day. Thanks E, I needed that lesson. And so I leave you with that cute story and a bit of encouragement. Sometimes the answers to our big problems are just as simple as that. Just remember, don't forget your smile! And if for some reason you do forget it, just go back and get it, that's all!

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